Five Oaks
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Semester i
Alt Jassewitz vid Östersjön

Det finns så mycket att göra och upptäcka – här är några tips!

Naturligtvis bada och simma!

Till fots:

Kunst am Weg - Art at the Way

The hornbeam forest Jassewitzer Busch with its specially cut hornbeams -
information from the Stiftung Naturschutz MV    Stiftung Umwelt- und Naturschutz MV

I august Open Air Rockfestival   Forstrock
'Jamel's rocking the forester'

Pilgrims of the Way of St. James (Via Baltica) are welcome at Five Oaks and get a free refreshing drink.

Hanseradweg - bike path Hanseatic League
Ostseeradwanderweg - bike path along the Baltic Sea

Världskulturarv Wismar

Informations about Wismar

harbour tour with    Adler Schiffe

visit of the historic centre
sight-seeing tour
zoo Wismar
indoor-playground Mumpitz    Mumpitz

butterfly garden
Bothmer Castle

kart course in Gramkow

tiger park in Dassow    Tigerpark

Stone age village in Kussow
Agricultural museum in Dorf Mecklenburg
High ropes course in Neukloster - only on request

regional capital Schwerin
castle with park
zoo Schwerin

zoo Rostock

Ozeaneum (sea museum) in Stralsund
marzipan production in Lübeck